When preparing your tax return, the last thing you want to do is make a mistake that will cause you to have your taxes processed late or incorrectly. While you may feel confident that you have done everything correctly, you may want to get some additional tax help in Des Moines, IA from a professional tax service to ensure you don’t make the following very common mistakes:
- Wrong Social Security numbers: One of the most common errors that people make with their tax returns is putting the wrong Social Security number or forgetting to add all the Social Security numbers needed. Double check that you have all your Social Security numbers present and that they are correctly entered. This also goes for making sure you have names spelled correctly for everyone on the tax return. When you get tax help in Des Moines, IA, your expert will know to look for these very common mistakes.
- Wrong filing status: Another common mistake taxpayers make is declaring the wrong filing status. For example, you may be choosing head of household instead of single. The IRS offers an interactive tax assistant that can help you choose the right filing status.
- Choosing the wrong credits and deductions: Many tax filers select the wrong earned income tax credit, child and dependent care credit and standard deductions. The IRS recommends that you follow instructions for this section very carefully. You may need to get tax help in Des Moines, IA to be sure you are selecting the right credits and deductions.
- Math errors: Since your tax return is all about the numbers, you will want to make sure you have done your math correctly. Using an e-filing program will do the math for you automatically, dramatically reducing your chance for error. Outside tax help in Des Moines, IA will most likely use e-filing software to produce your return, making them more accurate.
- Failing to sign and date all forms: When you have finished completing your tax return, you don’t want to forget to sign it. If you send in an unsigned tax return, it is considered invalid and will not be processed. If you are filing jointly, you will need both spouses’ signatures to validate your return before sending it in.
- Providing wrong bank account information: While its easier and faster to get your refund directly deposited into your bank account, you will want to make sure that your bank account and routing numbers are provided correctly. Errors in this information will delay your tax return, and potentially cause it to go to the wrong place.
- Forgetting your filing PIN: The IRS uses a personal identification number (PIN) when you e-file your taxes to verify your identity. Keep good records of your PIN, as you will need it each year you file. If you forget your PIN, you can provide your adjusted gross income from the year before to receive a new one.
If you keep these easily avoidable mistakes in mind, filing your taxes will be easier than ever. Using a professional tax service for tax help in Des Moines, IA can make this process even simpler, as they will have experience in helping people avoid these errors. Accounting & Tax Professionals, PLC can help you prepare your taxes so that they are accurate and free from errors. We have experience in preparing and filing tax returns and dealing with a variety of complex tax problems. We look forward to assisting you!